Sunday, September 30, 2012

End of Summer

I can't believe it's the end of the summer! It's been a busy few months. Here is a bit about Mason from this summer. 

"Ite." Mason loves light switches. LOVES them. It was one of his first words, and is definitely the one he uses the most. It used to be the first thing he'd say every morning, and we'd walk over and flip the switch a few times. Here he is on the stairs, he quickly figured out he could operate this switch without waiting for me to hold him up. He gets his hand on the switch, and then turns his head to look around the room so he can see which light the switch works with.  Now he refers to the garage door opener and other switches as "light". He is quite insistent about light switches. Have you ever noticed how many light switches there are in a church building?! I didn't until we walked down the hall together and he threw a fit at each switch wanting to flip it on and off. He also points up at the actual light fixtures and makes sure I look at the "ite".

Here is my little guy walking down to see grandpa's shop. He started walking this summer and is getting really good. I love watching his skinny little baby legs strutting around. Once again, this kid is very focused on what he wants. He loves the dust collector in my dad's shop. He would have me turn it off and on for hours if he had his way. He loves to watch the bags inflate and deflate. He lets me know as soon as we go out back that he wants to go to the shop. If I don't go with him, he either comes and takes my hand, or has me pick him up so he can point to where he wants to go. He also loves to ride the four wheeler. He refuses to get off after going for a ride!
We went to the store this summer to get Mason some shoes once he began walking. When we tried them on in the store he screamed and tried to pull them off. Once he got out on the hot pavement and realized he could walk pain free, he changed his mind about shoes. After that he would get his shoes and stick his foot in the air so we'd put his shoes on.

Even before he could walk, he began bringing me my shoes when he wanted to go outside. He would grab my sandal, scoot over with it, and then drop it on my foot. "Out" was another first word for Mason. In the picture above he is carrying around his shoes saying "out" in a really sad, whiny voice. This boy LOVES to go outside.

Here is Mason eating a plum and looking at the horse. Each time we went outside he would point to Jeff's plum tree or pear tree and we'd get him a piece of fruit. He doesn't love sliced fruit nearly as much as he loves a whole piece of fruit (that he makes a huge mess with). It's been a fun summer at my dad's with all the animals and fruit trees!

This is a picture of our garden. We have done a lot of canning this fall, more than I've ever done before. Mason seems to like the fresh veggies, and I've loved having space for a garden.

Here is Mason sitting on the couch talking and laughing with grandpa. He was scared of my dad when we moved in, and now they are buddies. He follows him around the house and likes to be with him. He has said "baba" a few times when he sees my dad, but like most of his words, he doesn't use it often and it's died off in the last week.

And, here we have Mason's first haircut. His hair on top was getting really long (finally), and he had little wings hanging over his ears. That along with the baby fuzz on the back of his head got me to finally break down and have my mom cut his hair. He also got confused for a girl fairly often. I thought a haircut might help...but he still gets confused. I don't see it.

Here's Mason being a ham. He had a rough week with a high fever and even after he got better he was grumpy and moody all the time. (Instead of just at nap time). I was worried, but a few days later he was back to himself. Here are a few pictures of him entertaining me in the mornings. He loves to make the above face a lot. He knows it will make me laugh every time.  Below he was making another face to entertain me, but I didn't quite catch it. 
Mason is such a good boy! He gives kisses and snuggles with me despite his independent streak. He is a pretty happy guy and loves to make us laugh.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Wind Rivers!

In August, we went on a backpacking trip to the Wind Rivers. It was awesome! I have been promising to take Sue backpacking for years now, and Jamie has always wanted to go to the Wind Rivers. Finally we all had an available weekend, so we made it happen.

Here's Jamie at the trailhead...23 weeks along! She was a trooper. The high belt strap is definitely a good look. 
 Mason did pretty well in the pack, unless he got hungry or saw someone hiking with a dog. Then he tried to stand up and climb out. Here he is taking a nap on the way to Big Sandy Lake.
 Here is our camp. Mason had a great time climbing this rock and sliding down. Notice all the dirt on his face.
He loved this rock too. He got pretty good at climbing up, down, and traversing across the rock.
And here he is enjoying the dirt and playing around the bear box.
 Sue and Matt reading at their reading rock in camp.
 Mom, enjoying the view from her thinking rock. There were a lot of rocks!
 Just in case you thought Mason was pleasant the whole's a photo for you. He was probably mad that I took him away from the bear box, or that I took him away from his rock, or maybe I wouldn't take him down to the water. He got mad about any number of things.
 Here we are walking down to the lake. This was the week he switched from primarily crawling to primarily walking, but he wasn't stable enough to walk on the uneven ground alone.
 He was EXTREMELY happy to splash in the lake. Well, until we stripped him naked to wash him off. He wasn't a big fan of that.
 Mason and Grandma at Big Sandy Lake.
Mom and Jamie enjoying the evening down by the lake.
Family photo! We had a fun time getting out together.
Here are Sue and Matt at dinner the first night. Roasting bread over the Reactor stove since we couldn't have a fire. I never know what Sue is going to have in her pack!
The second night she busted out s'mores. This is why we are friends.

Here we are on day two, hiking to the Cirque of the Towers. Yes, that is me carrying only a pair of binoculars while Matt is hauling around a sleeping Mason. Thanks Matt!
Here we are with a view of the Cirque in the background. It was beautiful! We stopped here for lunch.
View back down towards Big Sandy Lake. I actually carried Mason on the way back. Not sure I would have made it the whole way without Matt, though. It was a steep, rocky hike!
Here we are having dinner. Mason had a cup of refried beans that kept him endlessly entertained! They got everywhere! But hey, we ate 100 feet from camp for a reason right?
Sue setting up our "campfire" and airing out her gnarly raspberry. 
Grandma walking around camp with Mason. They walked, and walked, and walked until bedtime.
View of camp before leaving the morning of day three.
Here's our group! A pregnant girl, a baby, mom with her recent neck surgery, and a very fit Sue and Matt.
Sunrise across the lake as we headed out.
Morning faces!

Damen, Mason, and me on the trail headed out.
It was an absolutely beautiful morning!
Only a half mile left! We had a great time. The weather was perfect, the mosquitos were gone, the biting flies were only a mild annoyance, and the company was spectacular!