Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Change of Scenery

Since Mason loves new places, and since I love to get out of our small apartment when I can, we went to Silver Lake last Friday with my dad and my sister. The leaves are starting to change, it was beautiful!

In other news from last week...Mason rolled over on his own for the first time! Sometimes he hates being on his stomach, and sometimes he loves it. This time we got a big smile...

Looking unsure...
 Screaming at us for not helping....
 And finally success.

I can't believe how big he is getting, and I suspect he is growing again. He seems tired all the time, cries a lot more, and is back to eating every 2 - 2.5 hours, even through the night. Perhaps we'll get out for another change of scenery again today.

Monday, September 19, 2011

From Blob to Boy

We have loved every moment with Mason over the past three months, but it is a lot of fun now that he is interested in things and beginning to interact more. So, here's what's new...

His eyes are getting much better. He loves looking at his hands, and especially the ceiling fan. He gets really interested in looking around when we go new places.

He is getting much stronger. He can hold his head up, but still looks like a bobble-head.  He is unsteady, but gets stronger all the time.
He has started drooling and loves chewing on his fingers while grunting and talking. He is also getting better dexterity and can start to grab things we put in front of him.
He has also started to figure out what he likes, and doesn't like. He loves being held and loves attention. A lot of times when I set him down he'll start to cry but cheers up immediately if I sit down next to him and talk to him. He also loves to fight sleep. This week he also gave me his first laugh (while awake). I can't quite figure out what he found so funny, but I can't wait until he starts laughing more.

The hardest part for me is still sleep. Mason rarely sleeps more than four hours at a time, and that's usually only once per night. Some nights he's up every three hours, sometimes every two, and on bad nights every hour. He also has replaced his long afternoon nap with a series of cat naps, with fussing in between. I have been assured this will pass, so I've tried to embrace being tired for now.

Overall Mason is such a good baby! He is always so happy when he wakes up in the morning, which I love. He also loves the changing table, for some reason it always makes him smile and talk. He only really fusses when he is tired and when he is hungry. Other than that he is starting to entertain himself and loves to be entertained.
He loves his dad...he watches him walk around the room when he gets home until he comes over to play with him. He loves mom when he's hungry, but is going through a phase where he likes to scream at me instead of eating.

Three months ago we watched our newborn blob and were amazed at his yawns and his big blue eyes. Now he is turning into a little boy with a personality. Time goes by so quickly, and he changes so quickly. I try to enjoy every day because I'm sure one day I'll wonder where the time has gone.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Over Labor Day weekend, we had Mason's baby blessing. (A little late blogging, I know.) It was fun to spend time with so much family! It was the first time Great Grandpa Burnham got to meet Mason. Thanks to everyone who came and spent the day with us. We loved seeing all of you.

Here are photos of Mason with all his living Great Grandparents.

Grandpa Burnham
Grandma and Grandpa Davis
Grandma Pam Crane
Grandma Huckaby