Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Number Three

Mason loves to chew things, but yesterday he was especially adamant about chewing on certain things. I'm a bit slow, but as I dressed him for bed I checked his gums.

Sure enough, tooth number three has come through. The nearly toothless smile pictured above will soon be a thing of the past. Tooth number three is not one of the top front teeth as I would have expected, but one of the canine teeth. 

In other Mason related news, he is becoming more mobile! Not crawling, mostly rolling and spinning...but he can get relatively far. He can also spin himself 180 degrees pretty easily while sitting. It is so crazy to watch him figuring it out. 

He has also started babbling so much more in the past two days. He always grunted and fussed and made noise, but this is becoming more distinct and chatty. It is so funny. 

Teething is not my favorite, so I'm trying to focus on the good stuff. Fortunately there has been more and more good stuff lately!