Monday, October 17, 2011

Give the Boy Some Solids!

Mason's four month stats:

Weight: 15.1 lbs (56 percentile, down from 59% at 2 months)

Height: 26.5" (94 percentile, up from 88% at 2 months)

Apparently a boy his weight should be able to sleep 12 hours at night. He still eats every 2-3 hours around the clock. Because he eats so much, and because he just keeps getting longer and longer...the doctor recommended we start Mason on some solid foods.

Here is what else Mason is up to at four months:

The bouncer - this kid loves to move! His limbs don't stop until he is asleep. He is small enough that we usually stuff a blanket in the bouncer with him so he doesn't slosh around too much. He gets tired after about 5 minutes, but he loves being upright and playing in the bouncer. He is starting to figure out how to make it work. At first I don't think he knew he was the one spinning himself in he can get going up and down pretty well.

Mason has found his feet! He will hold them up in the air and stare at them or grab at them. Sometimes he tries to get them into his mouth...along with everything else. He has one finger in his mouth in this photo. He usually has at least one finger in there, sometimes his whole fist.

Mason gets interested in the camera, so some things are hard to catch. This is a photo of him doing one of his "crunches". He doesn't like laying down too long. He is always trying to sit up when I lay him on the couch or when I put him in his car seat. I have a feeling once he can move on his own I'll be in trouble. 

Mason also loves to get outside. Really he loves anywhere that's new. Here he is on one of our walks. He stares at everything passing by, especially the trees. He was fascinated during this walk...until he crashed and fell asleep just before we made it home.

Within the past few days he has really started to giggle. Before he would laugh occasionally but not often. Now he finds a lot more things funny, especially when he is tired! When I hold him at night he stares up at me. He spits out his binki, sticks out his tongue, and makes a high-pitched happy squeal. Then if I make faces, he will giggle. Eventually he gets tired enough to fuss, but we have a great time until then. 

We love this kid so much! 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I Love Utah

I love Utah! I decided to take Mason on his first hike a couple weeks ago. This trail was only a 6 minute drive from our house. It was also covered with trees, so it wasn't too sunny for the boy. 

He used to hate being in the front pack, and has only started to tolerate it recently. I didn't go too far in case he decided to throw a fit about it. But, he seemed to do well and had a good time looking around at all the trees. He did get pretty sleepy on the way down.

Since Mason did so well, we met Jamie at work last week and went hiking in Neffs Canyon. It was beautiful with all the fall leaves! 

Here is a view up the canyon...

And down into the city.

It got a little chilly, so we pulled up Mason's hood. He did really well and only fussed when I took him out to try and feed him. He seemed happy as a little clam the whole time he was in the front pack.

Here's the three of us...stopped for a little snack and some water.

I also had my question answered on whether or not he could fall asleep in the front pack while moving. Yes, yes he can. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Enjoying the Good

I took this picture on Saturday morning to remember how cute Mason is when he's happy and laughing. 

This photo was taken after a 40 minute nap. It took me an hour to get him to calm down enough to even take a nap. That was after retrieving him from the couch where Damen had been with him since 4 am. Damen got up with him because after a day of crying and a night of waking frequently, I was exhausted. 

Looking back, I think he was getting his first cold and he was uncomfortable. (Although his symptoms still seem pretty mild. If I weren't sick I wouldn't have known he was.)

So, we've had some pretty sleepless nights this week. Fortunately, Mason still seems to wake up in the morning with a smile on his face regardless of how restless he was the night before.

It's hard to believe that it was just a week ago when I had one of the BEST mornings since Mason was born. Damen and I woke up to the alarm at 8 am! I can't remember the last time we didn't wake up to Mason squawking for us. It was stormy and we snuggled for just a few minutes under the warm covers in our cold room and listened to the rain hit the window. It was heaven. Once Damen got up to shower I heard a little sneeze and a coo coming from Mason's room. I went to look in on him. He was awake and looking around. It was such a peaceful morning!

Don't get me wrong, it had been a pretty typical night otherwise. I had been up to feed him 3 times and once to put his blankets back on because he was cold. But, for a morning we enjoyed waking up without immediately jumping out of bed...and Damen got to sleep past 6:45 am baby duty.