Unfortunately, he began his immunizations. I had to help hold him down while he got three shots. Mason has been a great baby, it was heartbreaking for me to hear his cries of pain. I have only heard them a few times. But, he cheered up fairly quickly and was charming old ladies with his smile as we left the clinic. He was fussy for a day, but seems to be fine now.

It's been so fun to watch Mason grow and learn. He has gone from sleeping a lot, to fighting sleep. He also is discovering his tongue, and his hands. He has started to lick and chew on his hands often.

He also has gotten used to a lot of attention. This weekend I was in the kitchen and Mason was on the couch with Damen. Any time Damen looked away, he would try to get his attention. I took this video of his attempts to get picked up.
Mason's first form of communication besides crying was grunting, and now he is figuring out how to "talk". He has been a lot more vocal this week! It may get old, but it is pretty funny for now.